Which of the following best describes your current situation?
I don’t yet have a blog, podcast, shop, or any sort of online business, but I am very interested in starting one and in making money online.
I’ve started a blog, podcast, shop, or other online business, but I haven’t quite figured out the formula to success.
I’m already earning a full-time income from my blog, podcast, shop, or online business, but I’m looking to grow my customer base and maximize my revenue.
I’ve never actually thought about starting a blog or online business, but I want to know if I have what it takes.
When it comes to dealing with setbacks, which best describes you?
I’m not struggling with many setbacks right now. I’ve been persistent in the past, but at this point, life is pretty good.
I don’t generally get discouraged or let obstacles stand in my way. Instead, I tend to look at setbacks as new challenges to overcome, and I’m determined to keep trying until I get it right.
I’m trying to stay encouraged and motivated, but right now I’m feeling pretty frustrated by the setbacks I’ve experienced.
If something feels too hard, it’s probably not worth doing. I’d rather quit than keep struggling when things don't go as planned.
When it comes to implementing new concepts and ideas, which best describes you?
I love implementing new ideas! I’m good at applying new concepts to my own life or situation. I almost never read a book without getting something out of it!
I tend to get overwhelmed. I can sometimes struggle with taking abstract ideas and putting them into practice, even if I see that they could be valuable.
I usually take my time. My first reaction to most new ideas is often "that won't work." I’d rather let others try & fail first before I am willing to risk something new.
I’m generally pretty good with where I’m at. I’ve already accomplished a lot of big things in my life, and I don't generally see a need to put new ideas into practice.
When it comes to the way you focus on your work, which best describes you?
I’m the most focused person I know! I know exactly how to put my blinders on and focus on the task at hand until it is done.
I’m pretty easily distracted. New ideas tend to “squirrel” me, and I have have a tendency to compare my own progress to other people.
Focusing is sometimes hard for me, but I know I could be more successful if I was just able to get a little more focused.
I used to be focused, but now I feel like I’ve earned the right to coast just a little bit.
Which of the following best describes you?
I’m a realist. I tend to see the downside of every situation, and I often can't help but notice other people's flaws.
I’m great. I feel pretty satisfied with where I’m at in life right now, and I’d even consider myself more successful than most people.
I’m an optimist. I tend to believe the best in people, and always try to look for the silver lining, even when things are going wrong.
I’m struggling, but hopeful. I’ve been frustrated by setbacks, but I’m working to try to stay positive.
When it comes to your accomplishments in life and business so far, which best describes you?
I’ve had moments where I’ve felt proud and grateful, but right now I mostly feel frustrated at my lack of progress.
There’s not that much that I’m proud of achieving, especially when I compare myself to others and see them having so much more success than me.
I’m pretty proud of myself for everything I’ve accomplished and now I’m ready to enjoy the fruits of my labor.
I’m proud of what I’ve learned so far, excited for where I’m going in the future, and grateful for all the help and guidance I’ve received along the way.
Which of these best describes you?
I don’t love change or trying new things. Once I’ve learned to do something one way, I like to keep doing it the same way.
I’m never quite satisfied. I am always looking to improve, or to do things a little bit better or more efficiently.
I’m interested in growing. I’d be willing to change if I knew there was a better way to do things that would get better results.
I’m usually pretty content. If something seems to be working, I don’t really see the need to change.
When it comes to dealing with difficult people, which best describes you?
I enjoy being snarky — why sugar coat things? If people are being difficult, they probably deserve it.
I consciously strive to treat everyone with kindness and respect, even when they’re being difficult.
I can handle most people as long as they treat me with the respect I’ve earned.
I’m easily intimidated. Sometimes I wish that I dared to speak up a little more.
When it comes to sharing your own ideas, which of these four options best describes you?
I’m a big believer in "paying it forward" and generously sharing my ideas. I don’t worry that people will steal from me, because I believe that the more you give, the more it will come back to you.
I’ll sometimes share my ideas because I like it when other people see me as having something valuable to say, but I’m usually careful not to share too much.
I don’t know enough yet to be able to share a lot of ideas, but if I learn something that works, I’m generally excited to share it with as many people as I can.
I’m usually reluctant to share my ideas or expertise with others because I’m worried they might steal my ideas or use them first.
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